Weekly Bulletin: Sunday December 1st, 2024
Genesis Cooperative
of the United Church of Canada
Consisting of the congregations of:
Cassburn, Kirk Hill, Trinity (Vankleek Hill)
Sunday, December 1, 2024
First Sunday of Advent
The Candle of Hope
Counseling Wonder: Through Vision and Silence
Worship Leader Today
Joint Service
Rev. Brian Cornelius
Trinity United Church in Vankleek Hill
We Reflect
To ground us in the themes of our Sunday gatherings
Decisions by Boris Novak
Between two words
choose the quieter one.
Between word and silence
choose listening.
Between two books
choose the dustier one.
Between the earth and the sky
choose a bird.
Between two animals
choose the one who needs you more.
Between two children
choose both.
Between hope and despair
choose hope; it will be harder to bear.
We Gather
To worship in community, in song, and in prayer
Everyone is invited to join in responses printed in bold.
Gathering In Wonder for Advent
Shhhh…welcome to the wonder of Advent
Ringing of the Singing Bowl
And so we come…we come into the wonder of the Advent
Shhhh...Let wonders be awakened through the Christmas story.
Ringing of the Singing Bowl
And so we come…we prepare for the wonder of a Holy Child born in a manger.
Shhhh…Listen to the wonder that sing in the heart.
Ringing of the Singing Bowl
And so we come…we come with melodies in our hearts
Shhhh…welcome to the wonder of, God-with-us…
Ringing of the Singing Bowl
And so we come…Come, O Come Emmanual which means God-with-us
♫Hymn: O Come, O Come Emmanual
Words by Ruth Duck
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
And with your captive children dwell.
Give comfort to all exiles here
And to the aching heart bid cheer.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come within as Hope to dwell
O Come, you Wisdom from on high,
From depths that hide within a sigh,
To temper knowledge with our care,
To render every act a prayer.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come within as Love to dwell
O come, Desire of nations, bind
All peoples in one heart and mind;
O bid our sad divisions cease,
And be for us the Child of Peace
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come within as Peace to dwell
Call to Worship:
In advent, an ancient love processes through the ages and across generations.…we share sacred story as the family of God.
In Advent, we create space to welcome friend and stranger …we open the doors of our lives as the family of God.
In Advent, gentleness caresses those sorrowing and heartens the despairing…we share hospitality as the family of God.
♫Hymn #395, vs, 1,2,4 (Voices United):
Come In, Come in and Sit Down
The Lighting of the Advent Candles
Stories of Hope
The Candle of Hope
The Hope of God-with-us
is courageous and risk-taking
The Hope of God-with-us
is collective and demands participation
May Hope be birthed
among us, within us, and through us.
A Candle for the West
A prayer gifted from an Algonquin Elder
We are grateful for the Spirits of all Four directions.
We acknowledge…
…the sunset of the Western door
…the guidance of the Southern door,
…the sunrise in the Eastern door,
…the wisdom of the Northern Door.
Today we give thanks for all four elements that sustain life itself, Earth, Water, Fire and the Air
From the Algonquin people, we learn the Western Door
honours adulthood,
honours time for maturing and gaining expertise
The colour of the Western door is black
which represents the renewing rest of nighttime.
The animal of the Western door is the Bear
from whom healing and strength come.
♫Hymn #6 vs. 1 (Voices United):
A Candle is Burning
A candle is burning, a flame warm and bright
A candle of hope in December’s dark night
While angels sing blessings from Heaven’s starry sky
Our hearts we prepare now for Jesus is nigh
Sharing Our Giftedness:
The Life and Work of the Church
Minute for Mission (see back page)
Offering Invitation
♫Hymn #64 vs. 1,3 (Voices United):
O Little Town of Bethlehem
We Listen
For Sacred Word present in Scripture, in one another, and from within
Prayer of Confession, Intention & Longing:
…calm the breath within us (silence)
…gentle us into an unclenched moment (silence)
…stretch the silence between the words (silence)
…empty us, create space within (silence)
…fill us with the Hope that is God-with-us (silence)
(Assurance of God’s Presence)
Reflections Inspired by Scripture Readings:
Brian Cornelius
Isaiah 9:1-2b,5-6
A child has been given to us
Luke 1:5-25, 57-80
Zachariah and Elizabeth and their child John the Baptist
We Respond
Seeking justice, loving kindness, walking humbly
The Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven…
(Voices United, p.960)
Sending Forth to Live Our Faith:
♫Hymn: #82 vs 1,2,4 (Voices United):
A Light Is Gleaming
In the family of our faith community…we invite sacred darkness to mingle with hopeful illumination.
In the family of our faith community…we invite hope to enlighten our hearts as we journey through this advent season.
Benediction and ♫Sung Blessing:
Go Now in Hope
Go now in hope, never be afraid,
God will go with you each hour of everyday.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.
Know God will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love and show you believe,
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above,
Go now in hope, in faith and in love.
As our worship ends our service begins.
The United Church of Canada gratefully acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, from coast to coast to coast, are on traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples.
Celebrating and Caring
We bless the journeying spirit of Willy Overvest into the wonders of life beyond this life and surround her family as they celebrate her life and mourn her death
We bless the journeying spirit of Kay Mooney into the wonders of life beyond this life and surround her family as they celebrate her life and mourn her death.
We celebrate the baptism of Evie Joanne Poulter, child of Mareena MacPherson and Justin Poulter on December 8th at Kirk Hill United
Rad Joseph at Hawkesbury Hospital
Guy Cote at Hawkesbury hospital he recovers after a motorcycle accident.
If you would like a celebration or caring included, please contact the Genesis office or Rev Brian
Visioning Our Future Meeting after the Service
Immediately after the service today, we are gathering for a luncheon and to receive information from the leadership teams guiding our Visioning Process. Lunch will be served from 11:45 to 12:30 and the meeting will begin at 12:30 and finished before 1:30.
Heads Ups: Saturday, December 14th, Live Nativity
Three “shows” at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00 p.m.
There is a sign-up sheet posted for the Live Nativity. We will need volunteers for performers, choir, as well as set up.
Saturday, December 7th -10:00 a.m. Set Up
-1:00 a.m. Dress Rehearsal
Everyone is asked to bring “goodies” for refreshments.
December 8th: Deadline for Cassburn Newsletter
December 22nd, Joint Service – Christmas Pageant
Wonder in Wayward Journeys
If you would like to be in the pageant (regardless of age) please speak with Brian Cornelius
December 24th, Christmas Eve Services
10:30 at Trinity United
2:00 at Kirk Hill United
8:00 p.m. at Cassburn United
Zatoun Olive Oil from Palestine: Support local growers of Olive Oil in the West Bank by directly purchasing their olive oil. Makes for an excellent Christmas gift of hostess gift. $30.00 and can be accessed by chatting with Brian Cornelius
The Genesis Cooperative
Cassburn United, Kirk Hill United, Trinity (Vankleek Hill) United
Minister: Brian Cornelius, 613-697-5548
[email protected]
Available anytime Tuesday to Sunday
Administrator: Gabrielle Becker, 613-675-4487
[email protected]
Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Telephone messages and emails checked regularly
From Ernie MacMillan and Robert MacDonald: The Maxville Manor Seniors Home (Non profit, locally owned) is fundraising for a $60 Million expansion. They have raised $8M out of the $11M that must be collected locally. The remaining $50M is provincially and federally funded. If you wish to make a contribution, please contact Ernie MacMillan (874-2995) or Rob MacDonald (525-3471). Donations of over $1000 will be recognized in a wall mounted donor. Donations before 31 Dec 2024 will be matched by the Kenyon Agricultural Society. Donation cheques can be picked up by Ernie or Rob if needed.
Minute for Mission If you would like to read the full article for this week’s minute for Mission, please visit our Genesis Cooperative Community website at: [email protected]