GENESIS Cooperative Community
************************************************* CHECK OUT THE TAB UNDER HOME: GENESIS STRUCTURE UPDATE ************************************************* CHECK OUT THE TAB UNDER MORE: Genesis Policies and Procedures ************************************************ THE SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 SCHEDULE IS AVAILABLE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WORSHIP TIMES PAGE. ************************************************ PLEASE NOTE NEW GENESIS ADMIN. OFFICE HOURS. Wednesday & Thursday 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Announcement Deadline: Wednesday @ noon ************************************************ WE WANT YOU! Thinking of transferring your church membership to one of our Genesis churches? Plans are "in the works" to receive your membership. Please contact the Genesis church office at [email protected]. ************************************************************** Please call the Genesis office if you have anyone you wish to be mentioned in our prayer corner. Our announcement deadline is Wednesday at noon. ********************************************************* Our new minister, Brian, looks forward to finding a time to visit with each person and family associated with the congregations of the Genesis Cooperative. He hopes to do this over the month of September and into early October. He also welcomes you reaching out to him either by phoning, 1-613-697-5548 or through email at [email protected] **************************************************** Sept. 21: Celebration of Life service for Lilias MacLaurin will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21 at 11:00 am at Trinity United Church in Vankleek Hill, followed by a reception. ************************************************* October 6: Worldwide Communion Sunday. As we join in celebration with Christians around the world, we invite a variety of breads to be placed on the Communion table, perhaps breads from your heritage or a bread that has an important place in your life. For example, Brian may bring Injera from Ethiopia. Brian welcomes knowing if there is bread you might be bringing. This will enhance the storytelling as we gather about the Communion Table. |
Nursing Homes/Seniors’ Homes Trinity United will hold a morning service at Heritage Lodge in VKH on the last Sunday of every Month. Service Time is 9:30 am. ******************************************* Monday Morning Craft Group - 9:30 am to noon at Trinity United (VKH) - Quilting, Swedish Weaving, Knitting and Crocheting. Everyone welcome to join. For more information contact Pauline Newton 613-678-2247 or Jean MacCuaig 613-527-2064.
*************************************************** Monday Knitting and Crochet Group meets at Cassburn United Church Hall Mondays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Cost is by donation to Cassburn of $15/month. Or just to drop in: $5 per weekly session All are welcome – just come and bring your project!! For more info contact Stephanie Anderson at (613) 678-1681 or by email at [email protected] ************************************************************** Please also remember to support the United Church appeal for Ukraine. United Church Mission & Service partners are responding to the crisis in the Ukraine. You can help. Right now, people urgently need shelter, clean water, food, and medical attention. You can contribute at the following link: ************************************************************** United Church Anniversary Sunday Prayer God in whom we live and move and have our being: From sea to sea to sea we gather in prayer; from generation to generation, we sing; on this anniversary we give thanks for your care guidance and correction. In this heritage of trust, we pray for this United Church and for faithful living on this land, Our Source of Life, Living Word, and Bonding Love: AMEN. Catherine MacLean, 2008. © The United Church of Canada. Permission is given for congregations to copy for use in worship. ******************************************************************* Sunday Smile: A Minister can Dream Here are 10 things that a Minister dreams of hearing in his church: